5 ways to stand out at an audition – for singers and actors


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    Hi friends! Madeleine Harvey here! Thank you for checking out this video! Today, we’re going to be talking about 5 ways that you can stand out at your next audition. So with a little practice and a dash of imagination, you’ll walk into the audition room totally confidant, and ready to give the performance of a lifetime! If you like today’s video, please be sure to give it a thumbs up and click the subscribe button below. I would love to see you here more often! And if you’re interested in studying together, I would love to hear from you…Click the link below to get started.

    We all know that a great audition comes down to a great performance. But there is so much more to auditioning then simply just having some talent. These 5 tips coupled with a prepared performance will reserve your spot in the minds and hearts of your fellow casting directors.