FilmStry Elite - Pricing Plans
All offers are valid till limited period of time.
Rockstar Package
Rs. 299 Rs. 249 (for 1 month)
Daily audition and event updates by email
Enjoy AdFree platform & smooth navigation
Free participation in compitition
Access to all the pro tips and tutorials
Unlimited Regular Audition requirement post or apply.
Unlimited Online Audition requirement post or apply.
Unlimited eAudition requirement post or apply.
Direct messaging facility.
Access to artist directory (Conditional as per requirements but not guarantee to provide contact numbers).
Personal support and guide for posting your requirement or applying to requirement on FilmStry.
SuperStar Package
Rs. 1599 Rs. 799 (for 6 months)
Daily audition and event updates by email
Enjoy AdFree platform & smooth navigation
Free participation in compitition
Access to all the pro tips and tutorials
Free Digital portfolio mini website at worth 500/-
Unlimited Regular Audition requirement post or apply.
Unlimited Online Audition requirement post or apply.
Unlimited eAudition requirement post or apply.
Direct messaging facility.
Personal support and guide for posting your requirement or applying to requirement on FilmStry.
Access to artist directory (Conditional as per requirements but not guarantee to provide contact numbers).
Lagendary Package
Rs. 2599 Rs. 1599 (for 1 year)
Daily audition and event updates by email
Enjoy AdFree platform & smooth navigation
Free participation in compitition
Access to all the pro tips and tutorials
Free Digital portfolio mini website at worth 500/-
Unlimited Regular Audition requirement post or apply.
Unlimited Online Audition requirement post or apply.
Unlimited eAudition requirement post or apply.
Direct messaging facility.
Personal support and guide for posting your requirement or applying to requirement on FilmStry.
Access to artist directory (Conditional as per requirements but not guarantee to provide contact numbers).