Monologues That Will Make The Audience Cry - My Youth

In My Youth, HERSCHEL stands over his former music teacher’s gravestone and reveals his deepest and truest feelings.  Drama.

HERSCHEL:  You were a real son of a bitch to me, all those years. You treated me wrong.  Like absolute dirt.  I was there for your own amusement, for your own pleasure.  I should never have walked through those doors.  You tried to fix me.  You tried to mold me.  To suck all the time from my youth, so I can become nothing. Making me believe that I needed you to learn when I already had it all along. Learn what?

You were an evil man.  All along, you had this agenda, this secret motive to ruin me because you didn’t want me to succeed.  Now you’re dead and I’m still alive.  Older and wiser and still young enough to make it happen. And I will…you hear me?  I am.

I picked up my sax and started playing again and it feels…delicious.  It’s all there…deeper, clearer, tastier…

What you did to me, what you tried to take from me has only given me more…
