Just for Knowledge Purpose not a monologue

Some advertising terms used in ad casting posts👇

TVC: Television Commercial

DVC: Digital Video Commercial

Digital Ad: Static or Video Ads on Social Media, in-App Ads, Websites

Montage Ad: Ads having sequences of smaller video films or still shots with different scenes or settings

Thumbstopper Ad: Ads of around 8 to 10 seconds targeted for mobile devices, shot in vertical (portrait) frame and deployed as Social Media Stories/Reels or in-App ads. They are mostly short brand story/short social messages.

Teaser/Promo: Short ads about new launches or rebranding that do not reveal much but generate curiosity

AV: Audio-Visuals are mostly training materials or videos for internal use by company employees or for educating dealers/franchisees of a company.

Endorsement/Influencer Ad: Videos promoting brand/service on social media accounts with large number of followers

PPM: 'Pre-Production Meeting' is the end stage of the pre-production phase in which scripts, storyboards, creative guidelines, roles etc are discussed with the cast/crew.

OOH: 'Out Of Home' advertising refers to any form of media or advertising which targets and impacts consumers out of their home (outdoor locations like hoardings, wallscapes, posters etc).

POS/POSM: 'Point Of Sale/Point Of Sale Materials' like in-store posters, banners, merchandise etc.

ATL: 'Above The Line' advertising is going to be deployed around a wider target audience, e.g. television, radio, newspapers or hoardings, billboards.

BTL: 'Below The Line', advertising is going to target a specific group of potential consumers like direct mail campaigns, trade shows, catalogs, and targeted search engine marketing.

TTL: 'Through The Line' covers both ATL and BTL mediums
